Recent studies of Lab2 researchers (2023~)
These are recent, relevant studies of Lab2-affiliated researchers who did not necessarily receive financial, technical, organizational, or any other support from Lab2.
Does cognitive reflection relate to economic preferences and socio-economic outcomes?
Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics.
Fossen, F. M.Neyse, L.Schröder, C.
Predicting the replicability of social and behavioural science claims in COVID-19 preprints
Nature Human Behavior.
Alexandru MarcociDavid P. WilkinsonAns VercammenBonnie C. WintleAnna Lou AbatayoErnest BaskinHenk BerkmanErin M. BuchananSara CapitánTabaré CapitánGinny ChanKent Jason G. ChengTom CoupéSarah DryhurstJianhua DuanJohn E. EdlundTimothy M. ErringtonAnna FedorFiona FidlerJames G. FieldNicholas FoxHannah FraserAlexandra L. J. FreemanAnca HaneaFelix HolzmeisterSanghyun HongRaquel HugginsNick Huntington-KleinMagnus JohannessonAngela M. JonesHansika KapoorJohn KerrMelissa Kline StruhlMarta KołczyńskaYang LiuZachary LoomasBrianna LuisEsteban MéndezOlivia MiskeFallon ModyCarolin NastBrian A. NosekE. Simon ParsonsThomas PfeifferW. Robert ReedJon RoozenbeekAlexa R. SchlyfestoneClaudia R. SchneiderAndrew SohZhongchen SongAnirudh TagatMelba TutorAndrew H. TynerKarolina Urbanska & Sander van der Linden
Examining the replicability of online experiments selected by a decision market
Nature Human Behavior.
Felix HolzmeisterMagnus JohannessonColin F. CamererYiling ChenTeck-Hua HoSuzanne HoogeveenJuergen HuberNoriko ImaiTaisuke ImaiLawrence JinMichael KirchlerAlexander LyBenjamin MandlDylan ManfrediGideon NaveBrian A. NosekThomas PfeifferAlexandra SarafoglouRene SchwaigerEric-Jan WagenmakersViking WaldénAnna Dreber
Heterogeneity in effect size estimates
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Felix HolzmeisterMagnus JohannessonRobert BöhmAnna DreberJürgen HuberMichael Kirchler
Subjective evidence evaluation survey for many-analysts studies
Royal Society Open Science.
Alexandra SarafoglouSuzanne HoogeveenDon Van Den BerghBalazs AczelCasper J AlbersTim AlthoffRotem Botvinik-NezerNiko A BuschAndrea M CataldoBerna DevezerNoah NN Van DongenAnna DreberEiko I FriedRink HoekstraSabine HoffmanFelix HolzmeisterJürgen HuberNick Huntington-KleinJohn IoannidisMagnus JohannessonMichael KirchlerEric LokenJan-Francois ManginDora MatzkeAlbert J MenkveldGustav NilsonneDon Van RavenzwaaijMartin SchweinsbergHannah Schulz-KuempelDavid R ShanksDaniel J SimonsBarbara A SpellmanAndrea H StoevenbeltBarnabas SzasziDarinka TrübutschekFrancis TuerlinckxEric L UhlmannWolf VanpaemelJelte WichertsEric-Jan Wagenmakers
Adding household surveys to the behavioral economics toolbox: insights from the SOEP innovation sample
Journal of the Economic Science Association.
Urs FischbacherLevent NeyseDavid RichterCarsten Schröder
Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies
Scientific Reports.14, Article 5591.
Andersson, P. A.Vartanova, I.Västfjäll, D.Tinghög, G.Strimling, P.Wu, J.Hazin, I.Akotia, C. S.Aldashev, A.Andrighetto, G.Anum, A.Arikan, G.Bagherian, F.Barrera, D.Basnight-Brown, D.Batkeyev, B.Berezina, E.Björnstjerna, M....Fiedler, S....Eriksson, K.
Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries
Nature Communications.5, Article 1436.
Andrighetto, G.Szekely, A.Guido, A.Gelfand, M.Abernathy, J.Arikan, G.Aycan, Z.Bankar, S.Barrera, D.Basnight-Brown, D.Belaus, A.Berezina, E.Blumen, S.Boski, P.Bui, H. T. T.Cárdenas, J. C.Čekrlija, Barra, Zoysa, P....Fiedler, S....Eriksson, K.
Promoting reproducibility and replicability in political science
Research & Politics.11(1).
Brodeur, A.Esterling, K.Ankel-Peters, J.Bueno, N. S.Desposato, S.Dreber, A.Genovese, F.Green, D. P.Hepplewhite, M.Hoces de la Guardia, F.Johannesson, M.Kotsadam, A.Miguel, E.Velez, Y. R.Young, L.
Promoting reproducibility and replicability in political science
Research & Politics.
Abel BrodeurKevin EsterlingJörg Ankel-PetersNatália S BuenoScott DesposatoAnna DreberFederica GenoveseDonald P GreenMatthew HepplewhiteFernando Hoces de la GuardiaMagnus JohannessonAndreas KotsadamEdward MiguelYamil R VelezLauren Young
A framework for evaluating reproducibility and replicability in economics
Economic Inquiry.
Anna DreberMagnus Johannesson
Is economics self-correcting? Replications in the American Economic Review
Economic Inquiry.
Ankel-Peters, J.Fiala, N.Neubauer, F.
Meta-analysis of empirical estimates of loss-aversion
Journal of Economic Literature.
Brown, A. L.Imai, T.Vieider, F. M.Camerer, C. F.
Selective reporting of placebo tests in top economics journals
Economic Inquiry.
Dreber, A.Johannesson, M.Yang, Y.
Entrepreneurship, management, and cognitive reflection: A pre-registered replication study with extensions
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice.
Fossen, F. M.Neyse, L.
Non-standard errors
Journal of Finance.
Menkveld, A. J.Dreber, A.Holzmeister, F.Huber, J.Johanneson, M.Kirchler, M.Razen, M.Weitzel, U.Abad, D.Abudy, M.Adrian, T.Ait-Sahalia, Y.Akmansoy, O.Alcock, J.Alexeev, V.Aloosh, A.Amato, L.Amaya, D.Angel, J. J....Wu, Z.
Computational reproducibility in finance: Evidence from 1,000 tests
Review of Financial Studies.
Pérignon, C.Akmansoy, O.Hurlin, C.Dreber, A.Holzmeister, F.Huber, J.Johanneson, M.Kirchler, M.Menkveld, A. J.Razen, M.Weitzel, U.
Reproducibility in Management Science
Management Science.70(3), 1343-1356.
Fišar, M.Greiner, B.Huber, C.Katok, E.Ozkes, A. I.Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration
Eleven strategies for making reproducible research and open science training the norm at research institutions
eLife.12, Article e89736.
Kohrs, F. E.Auer, S.Bannach-Brown, A.Fiedler, S.Haven, T. L.Heise, V.Holman, C.Azevedo, F.Bernard, R.Bleier, A.Bössel, N.Cahill, B. P.Castro, L. J.Ehrenhofer, A.Eichel, K.Frank, M.Frick, C.Friese, M.Gärtner, A....Weissgerber, T. L.
On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.179, Article 104280.
Schaerer, M.du Plessis, C.Nguyen, M. H. B.van Aert, R. C.M.Tiokhin, L.Lakens, D.Clemente, E. G.Pfeiffer, T.Dreber, A.Johannesson, M.Clark, C. J.Gender Audits Forecasting CollaborationUhlmann, E. L.
Do economists replicate?
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.212, 219–232.
Ankel-Peters, J.Fiala, N.Neubauer, F
Changes in risk attitudes vary across domains throughout the life course
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.212, 534-563.
Murray, N.Neyse, L.Schröder, C.
Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.120(23), Article e2215572120.
Huber, C.Dreber, A.Huber, J.Johannesson, M.Kirchler, M.Weitzel, U.Abellán, M.Adayeva, X.Ay, F. C.Barron, K.Berry, Z.Bönte, W.Brütt, K. Bulutay, M.Campos-Mercade, P. Cardella, E.Claassen, M. A.Cornelissen, G.Dawson, I. G. J.Delnoij, J.Demiral, E. E.Dimant, E.Doerflinger, J. T.Dold, M....Neyse, L....Fiedler, S....Holzmeister, F.
Cognitive reflection and 2D:4D: Evidence from a large population sample
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.209, 288-307.
Neyse, L.Fossen, F. M.Johanneson, M.Dreber, A.
Quality research needs good working conditions
Nature Human Behaviour.7(2), 164-167.
Rahal, R. M.Fiedler, S.Adetula, A.Berntsson, R. P.-A.Dirnagl, U.Feld, G. B.Fiebach, C. J.Himi, S. A.Horner, A. J.Lonsdorf, T. B.Schönbrodt, F.Silan, M. A. A.Wenzler, M.Azevedo, F.